niedziela, 21 marca 2010

follow the rabbit part 1. - playlista

jak zwykle audycja minęła błyskawicznie. poniżej playlista, a ja już teraz zapraszam do wysłuchania kolejnej audycji i'm stuck between.

1. Intro
2. Riverside - Stuck Between [Voices in my head]
3. Riverside - Reality Dream [Out of myself]
4. Ordinary Brainwash - Freedom Of Speech, Right To Choose [Disorder in my head]
5. Ordinary Brainwash - Insomnia [Disorder in my head]
6. Ordinary Brainwash - Oridnary Brainwash [Disorder in my head]
7. Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere but Not Here [Deadwing]
8. Porcupine Tree - Collapse the Light into Earth [In Absentia]
9. Tides From Nebula - It Takes More Than One Kind Of Telescope To See The Light [Aura]