piątek, 10 września 2010

could the nightmare be awake? - playlista

1. Intro
2. Antimatter - The Art of Soft Landing [Ligths Out]
3. Íon - Madre, protegenos [Madre Protegenos]
4. Anathema - Are You There? [A Natural Disaster]
5. Anathema - A Natural Disaster [A Natural Disaster]
6. Akira Yamaoka - Tender Sugar [Silent Hill 4: The Room - soundtrack]
7. Akira Yamaoka - Room of Angel [Silent Hill 4: The Room - soundtrack]
8. Red Sparowes - Like the Howling Glory of the Darkest Winds, This Voice Was Thunderous and the Words Holy, Tangling Their Way Around our Hearts and Clutching Our Innocent Awe [Every red heart shines toward the red sun]
9. Riverside - 02 Panic Room (remix) [Rapid Eye Movement]
10. The Cure - Homesick [Disintegration]
11. Rosetta - Homesick [3 Way Split]