01. intro
02. Camollís - Prólogo [Long Distance, 2011]
03. The Last Days - Leaving (Part I) [Long Distance, 2011]
04. The Last Days - Leaving (Part II) [Long Distance, 2011]
05. Ioseb - C/O night (der nacht sang aus Zarathrustra) [The Ghost Of Thirty Three, 2009]
06. September Malevolence - End of new beginnings [Our Withers Unwrung, 2011]
07. September Malevolence - Details of detours [Our Withers Unwrung, 2011]
08. Our Friend, Surrender - The Promise Of First Light [The Deceiver and The Chariot, 2011]
09. Our Friend, Surrender - Seventh Seal [The Deceiver and The Chariot, 2011]
10. Sioum - Pillars (Among Us) [I Am Mortal, But Was Fiend, 2010]
11. Sioum - Shift [I Am Mortal, But Was Fiend, 2010]
12. Telepathy - Fracture [Fracture, 2011]
13. Telepathy - Gravity [Fracture, 2011]
14. If These Trees Could Talk - From Roots to Needles [Above The Earth, Below The Sky, 2009]
15. If These Trees Could Talk - Below the Sky [Above The Earth, Below The Sky, 2009]