sobota, 12 maja 2012

leave me here for the crows - playlista

01. Intro
02. Alternative 4 - Automata [The Brink, 2011]
03. Blueneck - Low [The Fallen Host, 2009]
04. Sleepstream - Sunlight [AWaltz With The Seneth Crane, 2011]
05. The Black Heart Procession - The Spell [The Spell, 2006]
06. I Like Trains - Stainles Steel [Progress - Reform, 2006]
07. Cult of Luna - And With Her Came the Birds [Somewhere Along the Highway, 2006]
08. Amenra - To Go On.: And Live With. Out. [Afterlife, 2009]
09. Neurosis - Away [Times of Grace, 1999]
10. Callisto - Storm [True Nature Unfolds, 2004]
11. Crib45 - The Chant [Metamorphosis, 2009]
12. Crib45 - Passage [Metamorphosis, 2009]
13. Prisma - The Loyal [You Name It, 2012]